Setting up for Google Drive access

Issue #39 resolved
Former user created an issue

I'm having difficulty setting up BrowsePass to access my kdbx file stored on Google Drive. I have BrowsePass set as a public folder on my GDrive:

I created an OAuth key in the Developers Console with as the JavaScript Origin, and changed the client ID in app.js to match. Now when I navigate to the BrowsePass folder I see the correct interface, but clicking on the Browse button for GDrive gives me this error:

Error: origin_mismatch

Application: BrowsePass

You can email the developer of this application at:

Request Details immediate=false response_type=token scope= redirect_uri=postmessage proxy=oauth2relay763916378 state=874002621|0.1048691457 origin= include_granted_scopes=true authuser=0

I've tried setting the redirect uri in the Dev Console to the page's address and the origin field shown above, but that doesn't seem to work. I'm sure I've missed something obvious, but I couldn't find any instructions here and don't know enough to troubleshoot. Help?

Comments (6)

  1. Trygve Wastvedt

    Sorry, really should have taken the time to sign up before posting. Not sure if it helps, but the 'Anonymous' creator of this issue is me. Now I have an identity. Thanks!

  2. Trygve Wastvedt

    Oh. Well, now I feel a little stupid. It was staring me right in the face. Origin needs to be set to the location of BrowsePass up to the .com. In this case,

    Ok. Got that, but now I'm confronted with an empty "Pick a File" modal. I just have a <ROOT> entry and nothing to select. Thoughts?


  3. Nam Nguyen repo owner

    @twastvedt I'm terribly sorry to take a long time to response. If you have not solved this problem, I will try out on this weekend and report back what I find.

    But if you have solved yours, could you mind sharing your method?


  4. Nam Nguyen repo owner

    Hey @twastvedt did you enable Drive API, Drive SDK and Google Picker API in the developer console,

    I find out that you need them. And I think that will fix your problem. If not, let me know.

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