kdb files, ever going to add this?

Issue #44 new
mdeguzis created an issue

There isn't a great way for Linux users to deal with kdbx files. The common solution for Linux folks is KeepassX, which works great. Is it that of a challenge to integrate this file type / version? This is what keeps me from switching from a rollapp or Keepass Chrome (CKP) option.

Thank you.

Comments (3)

  1. Nam Nguyen repo owner

    Oh??? I thought KeePass is a multiplatform app? Can't you run KeePass on Linux with Mono?

    I don't see any problem with supporting version 1 database. I just don't use it myself, so the code might rot terribly. Will try to add support for that.

  2. Leonardo Gallego

    Just FYI, there is no need for Keepass version 1 DB support, as Keepass v2 was ported to Linux (and KeepassX supports both 1 and 2 now also). Version 1 is being discontinued and shouldn't be needed now.

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