
Issue #19 resolved
Nate Maia repo owner created an issue

Possibly implement scratchpads internally rather than using scripting hacks

Comments (3)

  1. Nate Maia reporter

    Would love people to test the recent addition of scratchpad windows.

    I have yet to document it but here is a basic command outline

    dkcmd win scratch
    this one is pretty loaded and intended for simple scratch setups where you just want one window to toggle hidden/visible.

    • If there are window(s) in the scratch it will continue to pop them out until empty.
    • If there is a window on any workspace (other than the current workspace) that has been recently popped, it will be popped again to the current workspace. If the recently popped window is on the current workspace it will instead be pushed (think a toggle switch)
    • If there are no window(s) in the scratch and you have no windows that have ever been there it will push the active window into the scratch.

    dkcmd win [ID] scratch
    does the same toggle behaviour but for just the given window

    dkcmd win [ID] scratch [pop|push]
    does the specified operation (pop/push) on either the given window or the active window.

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