Focus border weird behaviour

Issue #27 resolved
CronyAkatsuki created an issue

After updating to version 1.8 the border started to disappear from window for example librewolf when installing an extension.

Some windows also get the border rendered only half way before moving it again when the border redraws it self correctly.

Comments (7)

  1. Nate Maia repo owner

    Hey sorry it took me a bit to respond and sorry for the issues. I had noticed something like this myself but they seemed to go away after some recent commits. Would it be possible for you to give me a way to recreate this? A screenshot of the issue could also be helpful. Just so I know what I'm looking for

    Built from source or using the packaged version? Does this happen with tiled windows, floating ones, or both? What actions cause this to happen (changing to floating, changing workspace, etc.)?

    These kinds of answers would also be very helpful.


  2. CronyAkatsuki reporter

    Sorry for taking time to answer.

    It happens with the aur packaged version that compiles the 1.8 tag, will try to compile from source.

    Here are a few examples:

    For tiled windows when for example with firefox I install a extension the border shows up around the install extension popup but completely disappears from the firefox window, with even the geometry of the firefox window changing, after installing the extension the border comes back to firefox.

    Another example is that with the monocle layout the border will sometimes disappear from the first window and wont come back till I refocus it a few times.

    For floating window for example the keepassxc popup for entering the password for a database will have the border rendered on the top side of the window and left side of the window, right and bottom part of the border are not rendered until the window is moved.

  3. CronyAkatsuki reporter

    Hello, today I recorder the issue with the border problems with librewolf so I hope that can help you a bit! ( You can use a video player like mpv to check the video without downloading it)

  4. Nate Maia repo owner

    That's helpful, seems like it could be related to the smart border setting. Can you also post the output from

    dkcmd status type=full num=1
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