Dk terminated, when open pdf file with google-chrome-stable command

Issue #42 resolved
Viktor created an issue

When I open pdf file with google-chrome-stable program, the dk is terminated.
Example: google-chrome-stable anyfile.pdf

I use Debian 12 stable, dk version is dk 2.0.r1.gc39cdf3 and installed Chrome Stable the following method:

apt install -y gpg
cat << EOF > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list
deb [arch=amd64] stable main
wget -O- | gpg --dearmor > /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/google.gpg
apt update
apt install -y google-chrome-stable

When I booted into dwm or bswpm, then working fine. Only dk terminated.

Comments (18)

  1. Nate Maia repo owner

    Hmm that’s no good. Can you build with the latest commit, I use chrome myself and haven’t had this issue, I tried with a few pdfs, different windows, etc. and couldn’t get it to crash.

    Since you’re building from source, the version should be

    dk 2.0.r1.ge10ab4f

    You could also check the contents of the Xorg log.

    If it continues to happen and I’m unable to reproduce it I wonder if you’d be willing to run a debug build and upload the log file. Or give me a way to make it happen.

  2. Nate Maia repo owner

    Well shit, that’s no good.

    I don’t get anything from this so perhaps you can run a debug build and dump the log

    make clean && make fdebug
    # xinitrc
    exec /path/to/build/dk > ~/dk.log 2>&1

    then cause the issue and upload the log

  3. Nate Maia repo owner

    Thanks, I think the problem is here

    dk: 2427: unmanage: 0xc00002 is absorbed by 0xc00002

    a window trying to absorb itself, no good.

    Do you have any rules involving chrome?

  4. Viktor reporter


    dkcmd rule class="^google-chrome$" ws=3 focus=true
    dkcmd rule class="^google-chrome$" title="^open files$" x=center y=center w=1280 h=720 float=true

    When comment bot of all, then nor problem. When comment only one, the problem occurs again, so both rules cause this error.

    I set the first rule so that it always opens on the 3rd workspace and immediately comes into focus.
    I created the second rule so that chrome's own open files window appears as a float, and I also controlled its size, plus it is centered.

  5. Nate Maia repo owner

    Please try out the latest commit and let me know if there are still issues

    dk 2.0.r3.g5779500

  6. Viktor reporter

    I tried it and it is partially good. If chrome is already open and I try to open a pdf, it opens just fine. But if chrome is not yet open and I try to open a pdf file, the dk crashes in the same way. I uploaded the logo here: dk.log

  7. Nate Maia repo owner

    That’s very helpful, I’m able to cause it now, will let you know when I have it fixed.

  8. Viktor reporter

    I try , but doesnt work, if google-chrome doesnt run, and try open pdf file.
    dk 2.0.r11.g5779500

  9. Viktor reporter

    Very strange. When make clean; sudo make fdebug install, then problem solved. If I open pdf file when chrome doesnt run, then run perfectly.

    dk -v

    dk: --> main (0x562a9d939ab0) :: unknown (0x7f635b64624a)
    dk: --> usage (0x562a9d9517c0) :: main (0x562a9d939c13)
    dk 2.0.r12.g494ce11
    dk: <-- usage (0x562a9d9517c0) :: main (0x562a9d939c13)
    dk: <-- main (0x562a9d939ab0) :: unknown (0x7f635b64624a)

  10. Viktor reporter

    And now go back dk folder, and make clean; sudo make install, then dk -v: dk 2.0.r12.g494ce11

    Now works perfectly, thx!

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