There are programs that do not yet receive the defined border

Issue #46 resolved
Viktor created an issue

I defined border in dkrc:

dkcmd set border width=4 outer_width=0 \
colour \
focus='#c93648' \
unfocus='#444444' \

But some programs doesnt have colored (focus) border.
Example (Debian 12 stable):
- yad
- gnome-calculator
- dconf-editor
- gnome-disk-utility

Comments (3)

  1. Nate Maia repo owner

    Those programs specify a hint that indicates they don’t want a border _MOTIF_WM_HINTS (usually because they drawn their own)

    dk respects this by default but provides a toggle to ignore them and draw our own border on every window. This is from the example dkrc (change it to false)

    # obey motif border hints on windows that draw their own (steam, easyeffects, etc.)
    dkcmd set obey_motif=true

    I don’t mind answering questions but you should do a search through the example configs beforehand to make sure it isn’t already covered.

    If the config toggle doesn’t fix it then, I apologize and I’ll look into wtf is going on.


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