Swallow function doesnt work, when use tmux

Issue #54 resolved
Viktor created an issue

When I use tmux, then swallow function not working. Open the terminal, and:

  1. imv-x11 Képek/test.jpg → swallow function working fine
  2. tmux
    When get new session, then: imv-x11 Képek/test.jpg → swallow function doesnt work, open pictures in new window.

Comments (3)

  1. Nate Maia repo owner

    Sorry for the long delay, life has just been hectic lately.

    I’ve looked into this a fair bit and tried many ideas but, after thinking about it a bit I don’t think this is a bug or issue. tmux if absorbed won’t be able to switch windows or have any control so why use it for things like media that you want absorbed?

    So it’s not for lack of trying but tmux blocks stdin/stdout which makes it very hard to get the parent process through /proc which requires a lot of *very* janky code for *every* program just in case it’s tmux (or another multiplexer) so I don’t think it’s a good solution.

    Sorry to chalk it up like that but I don’t see a good solution other than - don’t use multiplexers for media if you want them swallowed, you can still use your terminal (because tmux) and that’s a good thing, just switch tmux windows and let the media roll.

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