
Issue #53 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi Nathan, to avoid any bad surprises on your side, I should tell you that I discovered and tested some exploit on TSS. I was too lazy to create an alt account, so I tested directly on my regular one. Just so you know, no harm was done, and the exploit I mentioned (in fact there's two, but I also suspect there are more) is a benign one. When we both have the time, I can explain to you how I did and how I think you could correct this, if there is a need. (I prefer not to address it here since I don't know if the report will end up public, lol) Also, if you're kind enough, I would ask of you not to correct anything immediately as I would like to test another potential one, which would be related. Again, not anything harmful :) Cheers, Joe (Winston on TSS)

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