Gradle - Go to type and debugging not working

Issue #22 resolved
Dave Oxley created an issue

I have recently converted one of my projects over to gradle. It's configured as a root project with no sources and a number of sub-projects. The main project is a sub-project of the root and also has no sources, but depends on a couple of the library sub-projects. Something like this:

    |- lib1
    |- lib2
    |- main

Go to type does not find any of the sources in the libraries and when setting a break point in one of the library sources it does break but comes up in the debugging window as 'Hidden Source Calls'. The debugging sources window only contains source roots from the main project build dir, not any of the libraries.

Is this a bug or something I've done wrong. It was happening in Netbeans 7.4 and I've just tried and get the same thing on a clean install of Netbeans 8.0rc1. The nbandroid plugin is version 1.234 and I have a paid subscription.

Comments (6)

  1. Radim Kubacki

    Can you create a simple project to reproduce the problem?

    Go to type: I need to check but it is possible that the classpaths are not properly registered in global classpath registry.

    Debugger sources: again I can't tell off the top of my head. It is possible that the classpath used for the debugger session does not merge libraries properly.

  2. Dave Oxley reporter

    Simple app created with android studio with a library added. SettingsActivity does not show in show type and a breakpoint in SettingsActivity breaks into debugging but shows as 'Hidden Source Calls'.

  3. Radim Kubacki

    Go to type should be fixed in 1.235 and that will probably make sources available in debugger as well. Please give it a try and let me know.

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