Maven project conflict

Issue #47 resolved
chris85 created an issue

Having the AndroidManifest.xml in src/main/ as required by default with the generation2 maven plugin 4.0.0-rc2 makes Netbeans (8.0.2) think there is a non-maven android project in 'main' and it will complain like shown in the screenshot. This currently prevents normal maven android projects from being used with the NbAndroid plugin. (NBAndroid Version: 1.256)

Comments (3)

  1. Radim Kubacki

    Would you mind to set up a test case for this problem? No promises about quick fixes for this. Maven integration is pretty low priority.

  2. chris85 reporter

    Hi I attached a netbeans maven project with an android hello world example. As soon as you activate NbAndroid, the source folder 'main' is taken over by it. I think it would suffice to ignore maven projects entirely for now (if ../../pom.xml exists -> ignore androidmanifest.xml -> not a android library project, though I don't know if it can be that simple, just a first thought) since the Menu Items, the debugging, the logcat viewer is all fine and the project is built using maven anyways.

    Thanks for looking into it :)

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