NBAndroid Gradle: Test package and source code not shown in Window->Projects

Issue #34 resolved
Rob Smith created an issue

A NBAndroid Gradle project which includes a test package does not display that package or its source code files in Window->Projects - see attached screenshot.

Loading the HelloFlavours project attached to NBAndroid issue #31 demonstrates this problem. The problem persists if the flavours are commented out, as described in issue #33, so it does not appear to be specific to the flavours.

If a test package source file is displayed in NetBeans, e.g. via Window->Files, the code parser appears to be partially disabled. For example, it correctly does not flag a syntax error on EFlavour.FREE, so it must be aware of the EFlavour enum. However, it does not make any suggestions when EFlavour. is typed in the file body. It is expected that a pop-up window should appear with the possible class options of PAID and FREE, though this may be simply a knock-on effect of failing to identify the test package.

Comments (2)

  1. Radim Kubacki

    This one can be a consequence of issue #32 where classpath is not correctly built or it is possible that android model used in NBGradle is no longer compatible with project using android Gradle plugin 0.8. Anyway: it works with my recent changes.

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