error on building/running android project

Issue #78 new
raniday created an issue

I have installed java 8 and netbeans 8.2. I added android support on netbeans using . I pointed sdk location created by android studio. I have created AVD. I created my first android project on netbeans. But when I am running or cleaning and building that app I am getting error message "build.xml:1: Premature end of file." What could be the cause of this problem. I am able to create and run android apps on android studio successfully so I think there is no problem with android sdk. I tried netbeans 8.1 also but same problem is happening.

Comments (4)

  1. walter Marvin

    I have the same problem In addition the netbeans sdk manager and adv manager do not come up off the tools mune

  2. Thilina Jayamini

    I Have same error. i notice that generated build.xml is empty. \NetBeansProjects\testProjects\nbAndroidAp1\build.xml:1: Premature end of file.

    java 8 and netbeans 8.2.

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