JSM users access to instant-search

Issue #31 wontfix
Qi, Scarlett (Agoda) created an issue

Hi  instant-search team

our site is planning to have JSM users with viewer-only access. one blocker for it is JSM user cannot search on the site.

I see this may be similar to https://bitbucket.org/ndunn/instant-search/issues/28/not-working-in-anonymous-confluence-space, and you do not have plan to fix for anonymous users.

would your app support usage by JSM users?

if yes, can the search usage be captured to generate reports?

thank you

Comments (8)

  1. Instant Search repo owner

    We can look and see if the community has a workaround, but for the moment it doesn’t look like the API allows it.

  2. Instant Search repo owner

    It may be a few weeks before this is updated, but no guarantees either way. At some point the API will be documented and cemented which will make this easier. For now we can look at a workaround.

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