How to customize search button (remove button & change background color)?

Issue #5 resolved
Julius Lomboy created an issue

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Comments (13)

  1. Instant Search repo owner

    If you have your own classes, you can add them here and it will use those instead.

  2. Julius Lomboy reporter

    Thank you @Instant Search

    @Nathan Dunn

    . I would like to configure through sidebar like below.

    {instantsearch:spaceKey=KB|type=page|limit:3|inputFieldWidth=200px|excerptLength=0|watermark=* Search Articles}

  3. Instant Search repo owner

    You can. You just unclick “Show search button”:

    I like your default watermark version without the button. The button kind of gives the impression that it's important, but really it's the least important thing about the search.

    Let me know if there is anything else.

  4. Julius Lomboy reporter

    This can only be done when editing or creating page but for adding instantsearch macro in Sidebar, you need to manually input this code via Settings > Look and Feel.

  5. Instant Search repo owner

    Gotcha @Julius Lomboy . Sorry for the delay.

    I’ve updated the documentation to take better show the options for this.

    If I can extend a small discount when you are ready to go forward, please email me directly, otherwise.

    Let me know if there is anything else needed.

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