How to set up instant search as the default search for confluence?

Issue #8 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi there,

we would be interested in this plugin's features to see if it could boost our internal confluence usage by more refined or more precise search results...however I just cannot set it up to try it :)

It's my first time though trying to achieve something like this within confluence, so I'm pretty sure I'm missing something, but could you please advise?

As our trial expires within a month, I set the priority this high, as I'd need some time to experiment before i could safely suggest management to purchase this plugin.

Confluence version: 5.1.4 Server Instant search version : 2.1.15

Thanks in advance

Comments (6)

  1. Instant Search repo owner

    Happy to help. You can also email me at (west coast USA).

    That is definitely an older version of Confluence.

    My recollection is that you have to enter the markup as indicated here when editing the page (under Markup):

    Keep in mind that some of the features were introduced after 2.1.15 was released, but the majority will be there.

    If you let me know how you are planning to use it, I might be able to provide further clarification.


  2. Oliver Kiss

    Thank you Nathan for your prompt response. But the questions is … where do I enter the markup? 🙂

    Sorry for this so beginner questions, i just don’t seem to find any kind of settings.

    Our aim would be to completely replace basic search in our confluence, as it’s usual result set is not that effective. So we are trying to find a solution via plugins (and yours the only which has a version for our confluence version) to enhance our seaching possibilities within our internal wiki.

    Any help is greatly appreciatted.

    Thanks on ce more,


  3. Instant Search repo owner

    Oliver, not a problem. I’ll just run you through some questions:

    • How are you currently installing plugins in confluence 5?

    There are 3 ways that I am aware of:

    a - when editing in older versions you would add a plugin by editing the markup directly (I can’t remember what Confluence 5 does) like {instantsearch:spaceKey=DIC|showSpaceKey=true|showSearchButton=false} possibly what you are looking for is the makeGlobal variable:


    the option may be different in the older plugin, so let me know.

    b - you can use the same method above to replace the template in spaces and layouts

    c - in newer versions of Confluence (minimally 6 & 7), you can not directly edit markup anymore, but there is a really nice plugin browser and the sea of options is right in the editor.

    Let me know what you find out.

    Again, use this for reference:


  4. Oliver Kiss

    Thank you we’ll investigate further.

    Regarding your only question: that’s the thing - first ever occasion of experimenting with a plugin 🙂

    I’ll come back in case of any further questions.


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