
Clone wiki

instant-search / Cloud and Data Center Feature Differences

Differences between the Cloud and Data center versions of Instant Search

Many Data Center features are supported on the Cloud version of Instant Search

Supported Features

  • basic search box
  • get more results
  • customizable input
  • customizable output results
  • search tracking and results (if enabled)

Supported Tags

These are most complete within the plugin itself on install and editing, but the short list of migrated tags is below:

  • excerptLength: How much excerpt to have. 0 is none.
  • limit: Maximum number of search results (default 10).
  • watermark: Text displayed in input search field. (default none)
  • show: Things to show. Options are: showDateLastModified, showType, showSpaceKey
  • display: Whether to show the search button or not. (default "true")
  • buttonText: Text displayed on search button. (default "Search" if shown)
  • lastModified: From within last modified.
  • label: Searches for content with ONLY the given labels
  • type: Restrict search to specific types of content: page, blogpost, comment, attachment. (default "none")
  • spaces: (select available spaces to filter for)

