A small doubt ...

Issue #1081 closed
Former user created an issue

Good morning, recently discovering the application and pleased me, the only one, however, the shortcuts and standard behavior of it are not the usual one who wore in applications to read comics, but it is customizable and I managed to change everything to be like I wanted, I wanted to take a question, can you assign a shortcut to open the last file that was opened?

Comments (4)

  1. Ito Mitsuhiro repo owner

    The command to open the previous workbook is the "Go back" command.
    Edit the shortcut for this command. By default, "Alt+Left" is assigned.

    If you want to restore the last open book when you opened the application, turn on "Restore an open book" on the Launch page of the Settings.

  2. Havokdan

    Hello, I did the first post, what I wanted is rightly can assign a shortcut to "Restore an Open Book", is it possible? Is that I am accustomed to other shortcuts, as I said in the first post, the only one that is missing is a shortcut to open the last open file before the previous closing, I would like it to be a shortcut rather than a global option.

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