The ability to lock the current zoom level?

Issue #1301 closed
SIN-IN HO created an issue

In the meantime, if you enlarge or reduce the zoom level, then move to the next (or previous) image, the displayed zoom level will be reset (to match the current stretch mode). For example, if I set the current stretch mode to “original size” (100% zoom level), and reduce the zoom level of page_01.jpg to 75%, then move to the next page, the NeeView will display the page_02.jpg at 100%.

Is there any way to “lock” the zoom level across images, especially for zoom levels below 100%? Or, alternative, allow a much smaller Loupe minimum magnification value (which is 1.0 right now)

Similar functions could be found in other image viewing tools:

Example 1: In MangaMeeya CE, if you start with “original size” mode (100% zoom level), then decrease the zoom level to 25%, then move to the next image, it will continue displaying it at 25% until you switch to different stretch mode (such as fit screen, original size, and so on)

Example 2: In HoneyView, the toggle option in Zoom called “Fix” (Ctrl+K) would keep the current zoom level across images until you toggle it off.

Comments (5)

  1. Ito Mitsuhiro repo owner

    Please turn on the pushpin button in the Scale section of the navigator panel.
    The scale will be maintained even if you switch pages.

    If you want to maintain the scale even when moving the book, right-click this pushpin button and change the setting from the menu that appears.

  2. SIN-IN HO reporter

    Doh! I Can't believe I never explored the navigator panel before! It's a shame that I only spent time seeking stuff on the main menu bar & Settings in the past ^^;

    I really appreciate your help !!

  3. SIN-IN HO reporter

    Thank you so much for the help!

    Now the NeeView is probably the only Image/Manga View Tool I ever need!

    On a side note, I recommend adding a new help page section to introduce / briefly describe the (surprisingly useful) options available at various side panels. Of course, only if time allows.

    Have a nice day, sir!

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