Insert dummy pages in the middle of the files/folders

Issue #1358 closed
Lex92101 created an issue

Can we have a feature to insert a dummy page in the middle of cbz files/folders as well as not only at the start and the end? What I mean is in the double page mode, if there’s a single page before a double spread in the middle of manga, this setting would let the single page only occupy half the space on screen. If there are 2 pages before a double spread, it’ll just work normally like it currently does.

Comments (7)

  1. Lex92101 reporter

    Its not a duplicate of that. What I request is completely different from mangameeya. You insert dummy page there manually and its only inserted once at the beginning. Neeview already has that feature #896 asked which is basically the screenshot I shared. What I mean is to insert a dummy page automatically depending on how many single pages are before double spread. If its only one, then insert a dummy page. If its two, no need to do anything. Something like that. Please look at my request again. Mangameeya cant do this. Those are not similar at all. 🙇‍♀️

  2. Ito Mitsuhiro repo owner
    • changed status to new

    I understand now. I will consider implementing this.

    理解しました。 実装を検討いたします。

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