Request: Delete Folder

Issue #1379 closed
Ke Yang created an issue

Some comic downloading tools downloads comic as unzipped folders. In that case, NeeView can not remove that folder with “Delete“ button from right click menu.

So I have to remember the folder name and go to that folder then delete it manually. That’s very inconvenient.

So we need a delete folder function in NeeView.

Comments (3)

  1. Ito Mitsuhiro repo owner

    To delete a ZIP file on the Bookshelf, enable "File operation" in the "Option" menu.

    Starting with the next version, we plan to make it possible to delete files and folders in the ZIP file from the PageList.

    There is no ability to delete a folder in a ZIP file on the bookshelf. Will consider.


  2. Ke Yang reporter

    OK, thanks for your reply. After checking “File operation“, it now can delete folders. Great work Thanks.

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