Performance downgraded

Issue #1527 wontfix
Sacouto created an issue

On the latest v41.0 there's a split second when changing pages that makes the image blurred when the resize filter is ON.

It is more noticeable on higher resolution images.

In v39.5 I didn’t have this issue.

Seems like interpolation on the latest version is not well optimized.

Comments (3)

  1. Ito Mitsuhiro repo owner

    Thank you for your report. However, we could not confirm the phenomenon.

    The problem may be caused by a setting. Please try to reproduce the problem with the default settings.

    Also, resizing is done at the time of read ahead. Please make sure that there is enough read ahead buffer in the "Memory & Performance" setting.

  2. Sacouto reporter

    Humm seems like that after having the app running for a while it gets better.

    It was probably caching something at startup (the directory had a lot of different files).

  3. Ito Mitsuhiro repo owner

    Close this issue. If you have details on how to reproduce the issue, please post it as a new issue.

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