Help! How can I revert the software's page layout to the default setting?

Issue #1533 closed
Ryu created an issue

As shown in the picture, the area that originally displayed images has turned into a 'PageList' (picture 1), and the image viewing interface has become a separate window (picture 2). I want to revert to the previous state, where the image viewing window was in the “PageList” area. I have tried various methods, including uninstalling and reinstalling the software, but to no avail. I think maybe it is a BUG. Please tell me how to restore the layout to its original state. Thank you!



Comments (3)

  1. Ito Mitsuhiro repo owner

    It is the "MainView window" mode.

    You can switch to "MainView window" in the "View" menu or by pressing the F12 key.

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