JPEG Cannot read from the stream.

Issue #282 closed
Marie Craft created an issue

Hi, Ito San, thank you for the great software. And sorry for English, as everyone speaks in Japanese here :)

I view jpeg files with Neeview in my daily life, it performs very well in most time. Unfortunately, sometimes it cannot open some Jpeg files, It shows an error message "xxx.jpg Cannot read from the stream". I'm not sure if it is a bug, but I think I should make a report to you.


Best regards, MarieCraft

Comments (6)

  1. Ito Mitsuhiro repo owner



    特定の画像で必ず発生するのでしょうか? もし可能であれば、この症状が発生するサンプル画像をアップロードできますでしょうか。

    Thank you for reporting the bug.

    It seems that the image decoder is outputting this error.

    Does it surely occur in a specific image? If possible, will you be able to upload the sample image where this symptom occurs?

  2. Marie Craft reporter

    Thank you for replying. This file can't be displayed with NeeView, but it can be displayed with other image viewers like MassiGra.


  3. Ito Mitsuhiro repo owner

    画像の提供ありがとうございます。問題を確認しました。 おそらく、カラープロファイルが破損していると思われます。


    Thank you for providing images. I confirmed the problem. Probably it seems that the color profile is damaged.

    We will consider countermeasures.

  4. Ito Mitsuhiro repo owner


    If decoding fails, retry decoding with ignoring color profile.

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