Static GL builds segfault after a few mode switches or mod changes

Issue #11 resolved
Frank Sapone created an issue

As the title states, if you change modes or mods (which effectively call a vid_restart which is similar to a mode change) then the game will segfault.

Since we don't support static builds it's a rather trivial issue. But I figure I might as well put it here for completeness sake.

Comments (3)

  1. Frank Sapone reporter

    I call it trivial just because it's an issue that's basically isolated to me (who else out there is building static 3dfx SSE aware builds from source?)

  2. Frank Sapone reporter

    Was related to gl_lms.lightmap_update[i]=NULL not being in R_Shutdown after the free(gl_lms.lightmap_update[i]);

    Thanks to sezero for noticing it.

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