Chaos Mod: Flashlight locks the game in OpenGL with KM's new GL_Upload32

Issue #13 resolved
Frank Sapone created an issue

I haven't played our other mods in a good long while that we ported and noticed in OpenGL turning on the flashlight with "cmd flashlight" will lock the game. It's not 3DFX/Mesa/Sage/whatever related as it happens in Windows on modern machines as well. Haven't looked at the code yet to see why.

Comments (6)

  1. Frank Sapone reporter

    Offending code is ent->client->flashlight->s.modelindex = gi.modelindex ("models/objects/dummy/tris.md2"); which is necessary for the flashlight, if its omitted there is no light and it no longer functions in software.

  2. Frank Sapone reporter

    If I add that model to precache at the beginning the game will lock up loading it as well in opengl on map load

  3. Frank Sapone reporter

    Bug is in ref_gl at memcpy ((char )pheader + pheader->ofs_skins, (char )pinmodel + pheader->ofs_skins, pheader->num_skins*MAX_SKINNAME);

  4. Frank Sapone reporter

    Bug is actually somewhere in the NEW GL_Upload32 by KM; using the original GL_Upload32 has no issues.

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