Q2DOS stable and latest crash while -sndpci and network stack loaded

Issue #19 new
RayeR created an issue

Hi, after some year I downloaded new version of Q2DOS to test - both Q2DOS_EXE_LATEST.7Z and Q2DOS_EXE_STABLE.7Z. I found a problem that when I use -sndpci together with loaded network stack it crashes at start (not logo or menu appear). I retested the same configuration with my old Q2DOS version that I use dated 27.7.2016, UPX packed size 437748B and it doesn't crash. So something might break up but hard to say what :(

Comments (6)

  1. Frank Sapone

    Well, I don't have anything with sndpci and a network driver. You're going to have to try and grab the repo at certain dates and rollback until you find it. Don't really know what else to say. :(

  2. RayeR reporter

    Uh, this was some dejavu, I tested again today and all latest, stable and my old versions behave the same. I got crash when connecting to some servers while other works fine. My old version creashed too so nothing new... I'm still getting multiple Route table overflow when loading server list (all versions). I also tried to recompile latest sources, EXE and DXEs was built but I got runtime error when loading BASEQ2\GAMEX86.DXE: _stpcpy: unresolved symbol. (I use newer GCC and djdev 2.05 except for libao - this still crashes if compiled by newer GCC)

  3. Frank Sapone

    Q2DOS is compiled on GCC 3.4.6. Apparently after this GCC tries to use stpcpy as an optimization. You just had to add DXE_EXPORT(stpcpy) in the dxe.c table to fix this issue. In regards to the crash, I have no idea. If you can somehow get a dump with symify that may help.

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