Show on lock screen

Issue #6 closed
Devin Rodriguez created an issue

Allow for the timer to be able to be display on the lockscreen

Comments (3)

  1. Devin Rodriguez reporter

    Not sure this is possible after Android M as they changed how drawing over other applications works and deprecated some older methods, but I will look into it.

  2. Mike R

    I highly suspect it isn't possible. As a compromise, I think the notification could probably be improved for when the device is locked (can open a new issue if needed). I'm not sure which API version the app targets / too lazy to check but the changes that come to mind are:

    (a) use of notification streams (not sure if there are non-timer notifications, eg to say something's not working, but it's always a good idea)

    (b) raise notification priority so that notification is at the top on the lock screen

    (c) given this is an alarm app, I feel the default should be that notifications ignore do-not-disturb (perhaps prompt the user though?) That said, I just started with the app and am not sure if the end bell plays via alarm, media, etc.

  3. Devin Rodriguez reporter

    Instead of drawing over the lock screen the notification information is now public. This can be adjusted through Notification channels if desired.

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