v3.4.0 incompatible with R < 4.2.2

Issue #20 new
Mervin Fansler created an issue

I hope this repository is still be monitored, despite v3.4.0 not being pushed here. The v3.4.0 DESCRIPTION lists methods (>=4.2.2) as a requirement, but still has R (≥ 4.0). AFAIK, core packages like methods synchronize versions with R itself, so the v3.4.0 is effectively R (>= 4.2.2) only. Is it really the case the package depends on new functionality in methods?

This seems overly restrictive - please consider continuing to support R 4.1.

Comments (10)

  1. Nicholas Hamilton repo owner


    Sorry about that, I have pushed 3.4.

    So if I make the methods version minimum 4.0 also, would that be the optimal solution in your view ?



  2. Mervin Fansler reporter

    Thanks for the prompt reply and great package!

    That would work, but I think it is redundant. I believe the R >=4.0 specification itself entails version constraints on base, stats, methods, etc.. So, one could just let the R version specification do its work and drop the explicit methods version constraint.

  3. Nicholas Hamilton repo owner

    Funny, that just occurred to me after my initial response. Thats what I’ll do.

    I never even had the methods dependency until this version, but the more stringent check with CRAN were throwing errors on type comparison with strings, ie (class(x) === 'string')

    Let me wait a week to see if there are any other remarks from the community before I submit a revision.



  4. Pierre-Emmanuel Bonté

    Hello Nicholas,

    I have actually the same issue than Mervin. I’m using R 4.2.1 and it says that ggtern need methods from 4.2.2. To be honest I just recently updated my R environment to 4.2.1 so if there is a way to not do the whole process again and use your tool it would be amazing.

    Have a nice day and thanks again for your work,


  5. Nicholas Hamilton repo owner

    Ok guys, haven't had any other complaints so I'll make the above change and re-submit tomorrow.



  6. Nicholas Hamilton repo owner

    Just submitted new version, should be available in 24-48hrs, something like that. Let me know if your issue persists.



  7. Mervin Fansler reporter

    Thanks Nicholas!

    Confirmed it builds smoothly for R 4.1 again on Conda Forge.

    All the best!

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