Consider some more commercial friendly license

Issue #3 resolved
Jan Vlčinský created an issue

Nice package. However, having it under GPL version might be a problem for many commercial apps.

Would you consider some alternative one? (BSD, MIT, Apache...)

Comments (12)

  1. Brandon Nielsen repo owner

    Since flask-restful is only using aniso8601 as a dependency, not distributing flask-restful with aniso8601, I don't believe relicensing is necessary.

    I'll monitor that ticket, and if they conclude something different I'll reopen the discussion to relicense.

  2. Jan Vlčinský reporter

    @SamKimbrel Be careful about what direction of compatibility you talk about.

    Using BSD 3-clause code in GPLv3 licensed product (BSD->GPL) is fine. BSD gives you a lot of freedom and you put it into GPL product, which asks for whole product to follow more strict rules, which are not contradicting BSD one. Few pages, incl wikipieda on GPL elaborates on this.

    But in the other direction: Using GPLv3+ parts in BSD 3-clause licensed product I think is not possible.

    Also see similar discussion about GPL code used in MIT licensed work.

  3. Sam Kimbrel

    On a closer read, Jan is correct. Brandon, if it's at all possible to relicense that'd be great, otherwise I'm going to have to pull this feature out of Flask-RESTful.

  4. Brandon Nielsen repo owner

    The code is not covered under a CLA, so I have reached out to the other contributors about relicensing under the BSD 3-clause.

    Assuming it gets greenlit, I'll change the license to BSD 3-clause.

  5. Jan Vlčinský reporter

    @nielsenb The best, what can happen to open source code is wide and real use. I am sure, your support (and support of other contributors) for re-licensing to BSD 3-clause will help (building on well designed concept and well written code).

    Looking forward to results (and to on-going practical use in my projects).

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