Logging in

Issue #1 new
Ilya Dorosh created an issue

Let users login using password or OAuth

Comments (1)

  1. Shawn Murphy

    Can I assign this task to you Ilya? :-)

    We're currently satisfied with the email-based login system we currently have. It could do with some improvements, but we're happy with the general approach. In particular, that is because it seems like a poor choice to burden ourselves and our users with dependency on commercial services with which we have philosophical issues.

    Perhaps we could figure out a way to support that on a per-vhost basis (ie so particular collaborating organizations can make use of that feature if it is important to them). I would sooner not make it something that most users had a choice of using most of the time. At least at this point it is a low priority to come up with a solution which preserves our and our users independence while also providing the convenience which is presumably the motivation for this request.

    If the motivation you're experiencing is that you feel you're having to "log in too often" using the current scheme, that would suggest we need to look at the possibility of bugs. I suspect if that is what is going on for you it is really just that we're at an alpha stage for user management and that the storage that is persisting your auth token on the server side is just getting clobbered when new code is being updated, or some such.

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