make animated gifs pointing at little movies

Issue #4 resolved
Shawn Murphy created an issue

We should have some little videos showing the cool interactions we’ve engineered. These should probably be recorded as videos first and stuck on YouTube. Then little animated gifs could be made of them to act as a lively little gallery on the Nooron front page, each one linking to its associated YouTube video.

  • Ponderate sorting, resorting and collapsing
  • HuViz class picker: collapsing expanding, selecting, deselecting
  • HuViz history control: playing and replaying operations on the running state machine
  • HuViz demo of the Walk verb
  • HuViz dragging and dropping nodes to graph them
  • HuViz hovering over nodes in the shelf, showing fisheye inspection of a large dataset
  • FractalPanel: dragging cells, dropping on NEWS handles, closing panes
  • HuViz: hoving over nodes with the speech-bubble
  • HuViz: visualizing a moderately complicated Ontology ( is too big, FOAF or larger would be good)

Wow, it would be fun to make an animated map of Oswald’s putative meanderings around Dallas, Nov 23, 1963.

It might be possible to involve Griffin or Sam on this one.

Comments (4)

  1. Shawn Murphy reporter

    Something that happened at the DH conference was that we had little movies which were longer than absolutely necessary and so we couldn’t really use them in the talk because they were bloated. So things to avoid would be:

    • intro screen
    • fiddly prefatory activity in the video

    I think the idea should be tight little demos without a bunch of explanation. Let’s try making one video. Then make its animated gif and review our aesthetics. Then go through the loop of ( VID | GIF | DEPLOY )

    Let’s talk about the sequence to do these in too. Criteria: priority, persuasiveness, difficulty ?

  2. Shawn Murphy reporter

    Oh, yeah. By DEPLOY I mean display up near the top of the page. We’ve got to visually communicate what Nooron is, what it looks like and that it is at the stage of having lots of working code

  3. Shawn Murphy reporter

    So, per our discussion the other day, I think this is the workflow on this one:

    1. postpone making the videos
    2. instead make and deploy a bunch of little animated GIFs showing those little interactions listed above
    3. <REPEAT>make an animation then deploy it</REPEAT> so we get visual content onto the site ASAP
    4. Let’s put the block of animated GIFs up at the top, right under “It is software for global collective intelligence”
    5. we’ll come back later and link the little GIFs to videos or places in videos which expand on those interactions
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