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Welcome to laa-wifi-coexistence

This is the wiki for ns-3 code concerning LTE and Wi-Fi coexistence code (3GPP LBT) in ns-3.

This code is being loosely maintained as an extension module for ns-3. LAA code is not part of the ns-3 mainline software.


This guide is intended to orient readers about the code in this repository. This is the new home for code that has been hosted at, documented in this wiki.

Please note that LTE and Wifi coexistence is not part of the main ns-3 release, because the authors felt that there was more work to do on it before integrating it with ns-3. Specifically, the code was developed and tested for a very narrow applicability (supporting studies aligned with the TR36.889 indoor scenario), but not designed very flexibly to allow users to easily modify various scenario parameters. Furthermore, the code is not aligned with newer ns-3 releases. So, this code is offered 'as-is' but with no offer of support or guarantee that it won't break in some ways when the simulation setup is modified.

If you find this useful and want to suggest improvements, it would be helpful if you used the issue tracker to log your detailed bug report and suggested patch to fix, or sent us a pull request.

Our goal is to make the LAA module an extension of future ns-3 releases, so a lot of the focus is on porting the old code to the current ns-3 release (soon to be ns-3.31).


The following branches are in this git repository

The main branch for development will be 'lbt'; please issue pull requests against that one once it gets going.

  • master: Kept in sync with ns-3-dev main tree at

  • laa-wifi-coexistence-rebased: (most recently updated, April 2020). The LAA code rebased against the version of ns-3-dev as of April 2020.

  • lbt: The LTE-LAA and Wi-Fi code corresponding to the ns-3-lbt repository on, but merged with ns-3-dev. Note: has not been updated for about 2 years.

    • Step 0: (done) Establish this branch as a duplicate of master (i.e. duplicate of ns-3.28)
    • Step 1: (Tom H. working on it) Add ns-3-lbt code that does not depend on lte or wifi changes
    • Step 2: (Tom H., based on Muhammad Iqbal pull request): Finish any changes to support wifi-wifi runs of the LAA scenarios
    • Step 3: (Eduardo M. and CTTC): Port the LTE-specific changes to enable wifi-laa runs of the LAA scenarios.
    • Step 4: Begin to refactor the scenario helper and examples, and make more usable and flexible.
  • code-nsnam-lbt: This branch copies It is for reference only (mainly to support diff operations) and is not planned for any development.

  • bianchi: Bianchi DCF validation programs found in the scratch directory. The ns-3.31 release is expected to have a Bianchi reference program, meaning that this branch can go away. Note: The only change to the ns-3 source is the addition of two trace sources in ns3::DcaTxop class to trace backoff and CW values.

  • lte-dc: The bianchi branch, with the addition of LAA-related code to enable a LTE duty-cycle capability.

  • error-table: Some code related to link-to-system-mapping of Wi-Fi (for some UW studies). This branch may be deleted in the future.

  • laa-analysis: Some code related to LAA performance analysis (for some UW studies). This branch may be deleted in the future.
