Complex scalar transforms

Issue #26 resolved
plw0315 created an issue

Hi Nathanael,

You make a note in the following page that "SHTns only deals with real spatial data", but you do have two subroutines SH_to_spat_cplx and spat_cplx_to_SH which deal with complex scalar synthesis and analysis. I guess your note about dealing with only real spatial data is outdated, am I right?

My second question is about the input and output variables z and alm of the subroutines SH_to_spat_cplx and spat_cplx_to_SH. How do I call them from fortran code? I didn't find the corresponding subroutines in the fortran API. All my following questions are within the context of fortran. You indicate that alm[l*(l+1)+m] is the SH coefficient of order l and degree m (with -l <= m <= l). Do you imply that the indices of alm start at 0? Because for l=0 and m=0, the coefficient is alm(0). Also it is unclear to me what kind of arrary is z? Is it a two dimension array or one dimension? Do the indices start at 0 or 1?

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Comments (3)

  1. Nathanaël Schaeffer repo owner


    1) Indeed, this part of the doc is outdated.

    2) The Fortran interface is included, but was not documented. From Fortran, you should have access to subroutines shtns_sh_to_spat_cplx(alm, z) and shtns_spat_cplx_to_sh(z, alm).

    3) Usage: the doc is for C, which has arrays starting from 0. Simply add 1 to the indices to have Fortran-base indexing: in a Fortran code, you would use alm( l*(l+1)+m+1 ) to access complex coeficient of degree l and order m.

    Assuming you use layout = SHT_PHI_CONTIGUOUS (see Fortran example), z is a 2D array defined by z(1:nphi, 1:nlat)

    Note that both alm and z are complex-valued arrays. I hope this clarifies the situation, do not hesitate to ask further questions.

  2. plw0315 reporter

    Thanks again!

    You have clarified all the questions I have so far. I also successfully called the two subroutines SH_to_spat_cplx and spat_cplx_to_SH. You may already know that your work is very valuable to atomic physics, because in many cases one needs to expand the electron wave function in spherical harmonics.

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