Complex scalar transforms for mmax<lmax

Issue #27 resolved
plw0315 created an issue

Hi Nathanael,

Does the fortran subroutine

shtns_sh_to_spat_cplx(alm,z) and shtns_spat_cplx_to_SH(z,alm)

work for the case when mmax < lmax? If it does work, how is the SH coefficient stored in the array alm? Thanks!

Comments (10)

  1. Nathanaël Schaeffer repo owner


    That is a good question!

    It turns out it works for mmax<lmax, but with the same storage convention as for mmax=lmax. This means that the storage for all coefficients up to m=lmax must be provided, but the coefficients for m>mmax are simply ignored. This is of course a huge waste of space when mmax << lmax. I never though about this issue, so I'm open to ideas for a better storage scheme.

  2. plw0315 reporter


    It's good to know that it works for mmax<lmax. About storage scheme for the SH coefficients in fortran, I have the following suggetion:

    for l =0, mmax
    SH_coef( m, l ) = alm( l(l+1) + m +1 ),
    for l = mmax+1, lmax
    SH_coef( m, l ) = alm( (mmax+1)^2 + (2*mmax+1)*(l-mmax-1) + m+mmax+1 )

    Is it easy to make such a change in your code?

  3. Nathanaël Schaeffer repo owner


    Fairly easy. I just pushed a new commit with your storage scheme implemented. sht_func.c is the only file that has changed, and you can grab it here.

    Please check that it works as intended, any feedback appreciated.


  4. plw0315 reporter


    Have you resolved this error message yet? This is the error message when I set mmax<lmax. I only need mres=1, which is not a problem for me. Thanks!

    [SHTns] Run-time error : complex SH requires lmax=mmax and mres=1.
  5. plw0315 reporter

    By the way, are the subroutines and functions in your library thread-safe? I am thinking use them within a paralleled do loop.

  6. Nathanaël Schaeffer repo owner

    Yes, all the full-transform (which means function that have inverse counterparts) routines are guaranteed thread-safe. The routines that are not thread-safe are *_to_lat().

    If you do this, don't forget to disable the internal use of threads, with a call to shtns_use_threads(1)

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