Regular grid not available

Issue #29 resolved
suhasdl created an issue

Hello all,

I'm trying to use the spherical transforms for the regular grid. But I'm getting a runtime error : regular grid not available (DCT required)

However everything works fine for gaussian grid.

This error is also reproducible in the example script when grid is changed to regular from gaussian.



Comments (5)

  1. Nathanaël Schaeffer repo owner


    Regular grid is now deprecated. You can download a previous version, or do

    ./configure --enable-dct

    By the way, why do you need a regular grid? If there is interest in it, I may give it more love. Cheers,

  2. suhasdl reporter

    Thanks for the reply.

    For the latest version ./configure --enable-dct yields configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --enable-dct

    Also using the previous versions yields the following error AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'sht_orthonormal'.

    I have a CESM CAM simulation data which are on regular grids. I thought it would be easier to use the spherical transforms defined for that regular grid instead of interpolating the data to a gaussian grid.

  3. Nathanaël Schaeffer repo owner


    Sorry for the late answer. I must investigate this issue further but have absolutely no time for another week at least.

    Regular grids are not in a good shape right now. This will improve in the forthcoming months.

    For now, I'd recommend interpolating and using Gauss grids. Or maybe look at the competition. I think libsharp handles regular grids well.

  4. suhasdl reporter

    Hi, Thanks for responding. I purged it and installed the v2.6.6. It works now. Anyway I had wanted the regular grids which has points at the poles. But the analysis function doesn't seem to be supported by sht_reg_poles grid. So for now I have regridded the data to a Gaussian grid.

  5. Nathanaël Schaeffer repo owner

    Two regular grids are now available since v2.8, one including a point at the poles. They now support analysis (but require twice the latitudinal points compared to Gauss) and are much faster to initialize.

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