XSHELLS: ./configure warning: multi-threaded SHTns not found

Issue #34 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi, When I try to install XSHELLS by running ./configure, the computer will report "warning,multi-threaded SHTns not found".But in fact, I installed SHTns by running "./configure --enable-openmp".

so,what's the problem ?

BY the way,when I ran test example“SHT_example”,it reported well. I use fftw-3.3.8,shtns-2.1.

Thank you if you can share your idea with me!

Comments (5)

  1. Nathanaël Schaeffer repo owner

    Hi, sorry for the late answer. By the way, you should post this issue on the xshells bugtracker.

    First, you can still work with xshells even if the multi-threaded SHTns is not found. Actually, most xshells executables (xsbig, xsbig_hyb, xsbig_mpi) use the single-threaded SHTns. Only for VERY big runs you would need xsbig_hyb2, which needs the multi-threaded SHTns.

    Now, if you want to fix this warning:

    You should install shtns somewhere, and then tell xshells where to find it. For instance, from the shtns folder:

    ./configure --enable-openmp --prefix=$HOME/usr
    make install

    repeat with --enable-openmp to also install the single-threaded version:

    ./configure --prefix=$HOME/usr
    make install

    and then for xshells, in the xshells folder

    ./configure --prefix=$HOME/usr
    make xsbig

    Note that for this last xshells configure and make, the --prefix option is used to find libraries rather than to install xshells. This way it should work.

  2. Nathanaël Schaeffer repo owner

    Update: If you really used shtns-2.1 as you mentionned in your opening post it is no wonder: multi-threaded transforms have been introduced in shtns-2.2. Actually for xshells, you should use at least shtns-2.3.1, but the latest version is always adivsed.

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