failed installation/compilation of SHTns for magic-sph

Issue #46 invalid
Former user created an issue

trying to install latest shtns-3.4.6 to be used as an external library by MagIC6 with intel/2019 compilers on HPC cluster but shows compilation error as:

error "This Intel <complex.h> is for use with only the Intel compilers!"

^~~~~ make: *** [sht_kernels_a.o] Error 1

Comments (3)

  1. Nathanaël Schaeffer repo owner

    This looks very much like an issue with the installed software on the machine you are using to compile (gnu/gcc headers and intel headers being mixed up). Did you report it to the machine support ?
    Although it is not an shtns issue, I can suggest possible workarounds:

    1. if there are modules, try again with a recent gcc module loaded in addition to intel compilers
    2. configure shtns with the following option: `--enable-kernel-compiler=icc` but this will likely have a negative impact on performances.


    Thankyou very much for your quick reply. I have tried with both the solutions first one still reports the same issue as mentioned by me in the current issue and second one again troubles in the use of magic code simulation.

    Since it is clear to me that it is not shtns issue . I will report it to the machine support.

    Thankyou once again.

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