Guarenteed message delivery - prevents Sybil Attacks?

Issue #41 new
MatthewC created an issue

Wanted to pass this along as a way to prevent sybil attacks.

Came across this while looking for something else, have not researched it well and couldn't quickly find a more scholarly write up of this algorithm but it claims guaranteed message delivery within a decentralized network:

Would that include sybil attacks? Anyway someone else may want to further research this.

Comments (2)

  1. xcvsdxvsx .

    I don't think this would protect against the sybil attack but if you could figure out how to protect against spoofing in the form of nodes lying about what its heard indirectly than it would probably make such attacks marginally more difficult and costly to execute. It looks like the big advantage would be in the area of DDOS protection.

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