Illegal way of loading category-dragdrop.js by local_ajaxcategories

Issue #358 closed
Former user created an issue

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 358

See the bottom of index.php

echo $OUTPUT->footer();
echo '<script src="./category-dragdrop.js"></script>';

This is pretty ugly and hacky way to load JS into a Moodle page. Please see the $PAGE->require
API for better alternatives.

Reported by david.mudrak on 2015-07-23 15:10:42

Comments (3)

  1. Oleg Sychev repo owner
    См. Это легко и важно.

    Reported by oasychev on 2015-07-23 23:45:10 - Status changed: Accepted

  2. Oleg Sychev repo owner
    Все-таки следовало сделать 3 отдельных коммита, а не один на все 3 issue. Сколько можно
    про атомарность говорить?

    Reported by oasychev on 2015-08-11 00:00:50 - Status changed: Done

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