Convert peg question for Moodle 2.1

Issue #47 closed
Oleg Sychev repo owner created an issue

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 47 ``` Preg question type should be converted for the new question engine

The work will be done in ```

Reported by `oasychev` on 2011-11-03 19:23:06

Comments (11)

  1. Oleg Sychev reporter

    ``` Main tasks remains to be done: 1. write a renderer, inheriting it from shortanswer question type, but adding 1.1. printing colored string with partial matched answer 1.2. processing feedback to insert captured subpatterns in feedback 2. make penalty calculation for hints and tries working at least in adaptive mode by writing a adaptivewithhint behavour 2.1. if possible, also having hints/penalty working for new interactive behavour, that should eventually supercede adaptive 3. fix and get it applied by Tim 4. test and probably write some unit-tests for question type to be sure it really works 5. preferable also update a fix for MDL-25617 by Tim's comments and get it applied to get backup/restore for preg working at last (changes are mostly trivia, most serious one is to write a unit-tests) ```

    Reported by `oasychev` on 2011-11-03 19:41:44 - Labels added: Milestone-Release2.1

  2. Oleg Sychev reporter

    ``` A first version of a renderer is written. ```

    Reported by `oasychev` on 2011-11-12 22:16:16

  3. Oleg Sychev reporter

    ``` MDL-29095 fix is accepted by Tim and sent for integration ```

    Reported by `oasychev` on 2011-11-14 15:09:05

  4. Oleg Sychev reporter

    ``` Written and pushed in repository an adaptivewithhint behaviour. It is mimicking what question done in previous adaptive quizzes with better interface.

    Now you could really start using this question (given that you are using patch from MDL-29095) with adaptive behaviour (and any other behaviours with single attempt, i.e. except interactive and adaptive without penalty, whose support is yet to be done), installing patch, question and behaviour.


    Reported by `oasychev` on 2011-11-18 19:01:44

  5. Oleg Sychev reporter

    ``` A new behaviour for adaptive mode without penalties was pushed (note you should upgrade all behaviours for it to work).

    New "Notations" feature was also added to the quesiton itself. Note it require upgrading of the question, so if you had it installed please go to the notifications page as administrator and upgrade it. ```

    Reported by `oasychev` on 2011-11-20 10:21:16

  6. Oleg Sychev reporter

    ``` Well, for now the question is ready to release for 2.1, but Moodle isn't. The only thing holding back a beta release is MDL-29095, which is stalled in getting integrated into Moodle code, been already approved by component maintainer...

    So if you really want to have Preg for Moodle 2.1 sooner, please go to , vote for it and write a comment who you are and how you want this to be in Moodle, please. ```

    Reported by `oasychev` on 2011-11-20 23:29:15

  7. Oleg Sychev reporter

    ``` 6. Write upgradelib.php

    Apparently, there is some mysterious upgradelib.php file to upgrade question attempts

    for 2.1 with no docs or even in-code comments on it. Some site require it, other nor. ```

    Reported by `oasychev` on 2011-11-22 18:50:00

  8. Oleg Sychev reporter

    ``` 3. I congratulate all involved that we get MDL-29095 integrated. Starting with this weekly release preg could work with regular Moodle code.

    The only items undone are 4, 5 and 6 ```

    Reported by `oasychev` on 2011-11-26 22:45:16

  9. Oleg Sychev reporter

    ``` Well, we almost done. 4 & 6 is done (thanks Adam for testing 6) and since 5 has chances to be included in Moodle 2.3 only workaround is in place.

    I placed release candidate on the downloads section there and just wait a couple of small fixes for obscure cases from my co-authors to make final release of Preg 2.1 ```

    Reported by `oasychev` on 2011-12-15 16:14:41

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