Please add support for Moodle 3.9+. (Пожалуйста, добавьте поддержку Moodle 3.9+.)

Issue #479 new
Stephen Parry created an issue

Please can you add or verify support for Moodle 3.9+ to the correct writing set.
You plug-in is described in the 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11 manuals (for example here), but cannot be automatically installation on 3.9+.

Пожалуйста, не могли бы вы добавить или проверить поддержку Moodle 3.9+ для правильного набора письменных принадлежностей. Ваш плагин описан в мануалах 3.9, 3.10 и 3.11 (например [здесь](, но не может быть автоматически установлен на 3.9 +.

Comments (2)

  1. Oleg Sychev repo owner

    Hello, Stephen.

    We’re successfully using the current version of CorrectWriting on Moodle 3.9.4+, but it was installed on the server before and upgraded with the server.

    Can you describe your problem in detail: what do you do and when the problem happens?

    P.S. If you already used CorrectWriting, please write feedback for it: your institution; the number of CorrectWriting questions (can be obtained from Moodle reports); courses in which you use CorrectWriting questions; any comments on your experience with CorrectWriting questions (advantages, disadvantages). We need it to continue supporting the project.

  2. Oleg Sychev repo owner

    I set Moodle 3.9 as a supported version in Moodle Plugins database and installation seems to work OK.

    Do you still have problems with automatic installation, Stephen?

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