No Data in Metric store (index= os-unix-nmon-metrics and index=os-unix-nmon-config) for AIX

Issue #53 resolved
Former user created an issue


I received this error from the indexer:

"Index Processor: Metric value=<unset> is not valid for source=nmon_perfdata_metrics, sourcetype=nmon_metrics_csv,, index=os-unix-nmon-metrics. Metric event data with an invalid metric value would not be indexed. Ensure the input metric data is not malformed."

I have deployed Nmon Metricator in a distributed environment where the UF is installed on AIX and the indexer and SH are running on linux.

I went through all the documentation in the website but can't find the solution. Thank you

Comments (2)

  1. Guilhem Marchand


    Please apologise for the delay to response, it looks like we missed the creation of this issue !

    Do you still have this issue ?
    A very likely root cause would be that the version of the UF is lower than 7.0.x, previous versions of Splunk cannot handle the metric csv format, and results in the following.


    If you still have the issue, we can investigate.


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