AIX system not able to send NMON data to Splunk via HEC

Issue #55 resolved
Abhinav Chittora created an issue

Hi Team,

We are using NMON metricator add-on to push AIX nmon data via HEC to splunk cloud instance. However, We are getting following error:-

11-26-2019 06:01:35.935 -0500 ERROR ExecProcessor - message from "/opt/splunkforwarder/etc/apps/TA-metricator-hec-for-nmon/bin/" curl: try 'curl --help' for more information
11-26-2019 06:01:35.935 -0500 ERROR ExecProcessor - message from "/opt/splunkforwarder/etc/apps/TA-metricator-hec-for-nmon/bin/" curl: option -k is unknown

Note: We are using latest metricator addon version.

Comments (3)

  1. Guilhem Marchand


    Thank for you reporting the issue.
    We will start verification ASAP and will update you.


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