Splunk 8.0.0 modal bootstrap windows compatibility issues

Issue #56 resolved
Guilhem Marchand created an issue
  • Splunk 8.0.0 introduced a breaking change which strips out the data-toggle in html
  • This avoid standard modal windows to be working properly, and can be fixed via the inclusion of a JS

Comments (2)

  1. Guilhem Marchand reporter

    Version 1.0.25

    • Fix Issue #56 - Splunk 8.0.0 modal bootstrap windows compatibility issues
    • fix Issue #54 - CPU dashboard showing more hosts than the filtered list of hosts

    → <<cset f1965ed69e4c>>

  2. Guilhem Marchand reporter

    Version 1.0.25

    • Fix Issue #56 - Splunk 8.0.0 modal bootstrap windows compatibility issues
    • fix Issue #54 - CPU dashboard showing more hosts than the filtered list of hosts

    → <<cset fd5bfa9d33c9>>

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