NMON TOP Collection for AIX is not working

Issue #64 resolved
Abhinav Chittora created an issue

Environment details:-

Splunk Cloud : v8.1.2009

metricator-for-nmon: v1.0.29

TA-metricator-hec-for-nmon: v1.0.10

AIX Version: 7.2

Hi Team,

As per documentation, we have enabled TOP collection by activating -t or -T options for AIX systems but even after that, we are getting following error while checking TOP processes

Here I am attaching the nmon.conf which we are using for AIX systems.

AIX_options="-T -A -d -K -L -M -P -^ -p -yoverwrite=1"

Comments (5)

  1. Abhinav Chittora reporter

    @Guilhem Marchand, I am still facing the issue. I couldn’t find the solution so far. We are still missing NMON TOP processes logs in Splunk Cloud.

  2. Guilhem Marchand

    Thank you.

    As a safety check, could you verify if there are TOP metrics for the AIX hosts?

    | mcatalog values(metric_name) as metrics values(_dims) as dimensions where index=* metric_name=os.unix.nmon.processes.top.* host=* by host

    This might be a specific issue with the HEC version of the TA, a simple way of verifying that topas nmon is able to generate the TOP metrics would be to run an instance that outputs to a file (rather than a fifo file as does the TA):

    In a nutshell, in this Linux example: (from the docs)

    /opt/splunkforwarder/var/log/metricator/bin/linux/rhel/nmon_power_64_rhel6_be -F /opt/splunkforwarder/var/log/metricator/var/nmon_repository/fifo1/nmon.fifo -T -s 60 -c 1440 -d 1500 -g auto -D -p

    on AIX, check the command line running via the TA, and replace:

    -F /opt/splunkforwarder/var/log/metricator/var/nmon_repository/fifo1/nmon.fifo

    By a the “-f” option (take the command line from ps), then after a minute or two, verify with a grep (the nmon file is created in the current directory)

    grep TOP <nmon file>


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