Macro keeps alerting even when memory / filesystem returned to normal values

Issue #65 resolved
RvDv created an issue

The following macro [alerting_filesystem_usage] is used to alert for filesystem issues.
the timerange of the search is 60 minutes for the savedsearch.
file/line octamis / metricator-for-nmon / metricator-for-nmon / default / macros.conf — Bitbucket

When we have resolved the filesystem issue, it keeps on triggering every 5 minutes until the values shift out of the 60 minute alerting window.

  • The alert keeps looking at the complete timerange of 60 minutes instead of looking only at the last alert_fs_min_time_seconds seconds, which contains the most recent filesystem metrics.

Propose to only look at the last “alert_fs_min_time_seconds” by adding this into a where clause.
the + 300 is used as a save margin to don’t miss any alerts.
| where _time > now() - (alert_fs_min_time_seconds + 300)

Same holds for memory alerts, I can make a PR for this if you like, but would first like to have a discussion about this in this ticket.

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