NMON alerting duration calculation not as expected

Issue #66 resolved
RvDv created an issue

The duration of something being above the configure threshold is currently handled with the range(_time) function.
| stats latest(_time) as _time range(_time) as duration

octamis / metricator-for-nmon / metricator-for-nmon / default / macros.conf — Bitbucket

Duration is used to only trigger an alert when memory / disk full is above a threshold for a longer period.
This period can be configured with alert_fs_min_time_seconds

See image included: Assume two events occur in which the threshold (red) is exceeded for two periods in time (green line above threshold line).

Current behavior: The duration of the event from macro perspective is now the purple arrow because with the range(_time) command we take the maximum and minimum value in which the threshold was exceeded. So it will trigger when two events are more then alert_fs_min_time_seconds apart (correct me if I’m wrong)

Expectation: I would expect that it only triggers when expected duration 1 (blue arrow below green line), or expected duration 2 (blue arrow below green line) is larger then alert_fs_min_time_seconds.

Question: Can this be fixed or is my assumption / current behavior incorrect?

Regards Rob van de Voort

Comments (2)

  1. Guilhem Marchand

    Hi Rob!

    Apologise for the abnormally long delay to respond, I will review your comments and proceed to changes accordingly.
    Many thanks for taking the time to write this down, and again, sorry for the delay.

    Kind regards,


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