Python 3 support TA-metricator-hec-for-nmon

Issue #19 resolved
Former user created an issue

The metricator scripts do a hard requirement check for python 2.7. We are currently using version 1.0.11, and in our environment python 3 has our preference.

Is this currently on the implementation roadmap or is any help required to get this working (implementation / testing)?

Regards Rob

Comments (3)

  1. Guilhem Marchand

    Hi Rob,

    Currently the scripts used underneath by the TA are not supported on Python 3.

    An evolution is on my roadmap yes, but the work is still on going.

    However, the TA is capable of using two interpreters, Python and Perl, shall the Python requirement not be covered, Perl would be used automatically.

    The Perl requirements are listed here:


    Requirement Version
    Perl interpreter 5.x
    Time::HiRes module any
    Text::CSV or Text::CSV_XS module any

    Generally, a Perl interpreter is available but these two librairies need to be installed, note that these librairies are available in the distribution repositories (RHEL/CentOS or Debian based) so these can be installed very easily.

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