libCCD code

Issue #28 resolved
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda created an issue

Dear people,

libccd is an external project. Now, we have a debian package of libccd. I'm trying to upgrade the debian package of ode and I found the ccd code, following debian policies, it can make me more difficulties.

I understand that ODE is used in another platforms than debian, so delete that code could not be useful. So, please could you add a check in your autotools stuff that if the user want to use the ccd stuff could chose the code provided by sources or the installed in the system?

Thanks in advance.

Comments (7)

  1. Daniel K. O.

    I added code to detect libccd through pkg-config in rev 40886d3, but it's disabled by default; it doesn't appear libccd's .pc file provides a way to check for a compatible precision. You can make it look for libccd by passing the "--with-libccd=system" option to the configure script. If all goes well, you should see this at the end of the configure invocation:

    Use libccd: yes libccd source: system

    If pkg-config fails to find libccd, ODE will use the internal version of libccd.

  2. Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda reporter

    Creating the Debian package we have found that this patch is needed to build it. Please, could you attach it?        | 10 ++++++++--
     libccd/ |  2 +-
     2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
    diff --git a/ b/
    index a606561..694d1b3 100644
    --- a/
    +++ b/
    @@ -452,8 +452,14 @@ then
    +if test x$use_libccd = xyes
    +     if test x$libccd_source = xinternal
    +     then
    +        AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS([libccd])
    +     fi
     AM_CONDITIONAL(LIBCCD, test x$use_libccd != xno)
     AM_CONDITIONAL(LIBCCD_INTERNAL, test x$libccd_source = xinternal)
     AM_CONDITIONAL(LIBCCD_BOX_CYL,          test x$col_box_cylinder = xlibccd)
    diff --git a/libccd/ b/libccd/
    index 7e86a8c..5a12836 100644
    --- a/libccd/
    +++ b/libccd/
    @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
     AC_INIT([libccd], [1.0], [])
     # Checks for programs.
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