Enhancement: Utility functions for setting position, rotation, linear and angular velocity of a system of rigid bodies

Issue #35 new
Federico Ferri created an issue

These functions allow to set the position and rotation of a system of rigid bodies.

I call this system a rigid body array.

Setting the position and/or rotation of a rigid body array should act as if we were setting position and/or rotation of the central body (the effect on the central body is the same as calling dBodySetPosition/dBodySetRotation), while keeping a constant transformation between bodies part of the system.

Note: I didn't care giving the possibility of specifying an arbitrary point as center of the rigid body array, but only another body; one can always put a dummy body at the arbitrary position and use it as the arbitrary center of the rigid body array.

void dRigidBodyArraySetPosition(dBodyID *bodyArray, size_t arraySize, dBodyID center, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z) {
    const dReal *p0 = dBodyGetPosition(center);
    dVector3 ps = {x, y, z};
    dVector3 ps_p0;
    dOP(ps_p0, -, ps, p0);
    for(size_t i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) {
        const dReal *pi = dBodyGetPosition(bodyArray[i]);
        dVector3 p1;
        dOP(p1, +, ps_p0, pi);
        dBodySetPosition(bodyArray[i], p1[0], p1[1], p1[2]);

void dRigidBodyArraySetRotation(dBodyID *bodyArray, size_t arraySize, dBodyID center, const dReal *Rs) {
    const dReal *p0 = dBodyGetPosition(center);
    const dReal *R0 = dBodyGetRotation(center);
    dMatrix3 R0Rs;
    dMULTIPLY0_333(R0Rs, R0, Rs);
    dMatrix3 R0RsR0t;
    dMULTIPLY2_333(R0RsR0t, R0Rs, R0);
    for(size_t i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) {
        const dReal *pi = dBodyGetPosition(bodyArray[i]);
        const dReal *Ri = dBodyGetRotation(bodyArray[i]);
        dMatrix3 R1;
        dMULTIPLY0_333(R1, R0RsR0t, Ri);
        dVector3 p1, pi_p0, R0RsR0t__pi_p0;
        dOP(pi_p0, -, pi, p0);
        dMULTIPLY0_331(R0RsR0t__pi_p0, R0RsR0t, pi_p0);
        dOP(p1, +, R0RsR0t__pi_p0, p0);
        dBodySetPosition(bodyArray[i], p1[0], p1[1], p1[2]);
        dBodySetRotation(bodyArray[i], R1);

Comments (6)

  1. Federico Ferri reporter

    Here's a little note explaining the math of the rotation, if anyone is interested in understanding or extending it:

    (you can read text with nicely rendered formulae here)

    We want to apply the transformation
    $$\begin{pmatrix} R_s & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}$$
    to our rigid body array, composed by bodies $0, \ldots, n$, where body $0$ is the central body.
    We denote with $R_i$ and $p_i$ respectively the rotation and position of body $i$.
    We proceed as follows; for each body $i$:
    1) apply inverse transformation of body $0$, i.e.
    $$\begin{pmatrix} R_0 & p_0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}^{-1} = \begin{pmatrix} R_0^\top & -R_0^\top p_0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}$$ which will place body $i$ as if the entire body array would be translated to origin and aligned to world's axes.
    2) apply desired transformation, i.e. $\left( R_s, 0 \right)$
    3) re-apply transformation $\left( R_0, p_0 \right)$
    so we compose this sequence of transformations (by multiplying to the left, hence they read right to left):
    $$\begin{pmatrix} R_i^\prime & p_i^\prime \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix} =
    \begin{pmatrix} R_0 & p_0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}
    \begin{pmatrix} R_s & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}
    \begin{pmatrix} R_0^\top & -R_0^\top p_0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}
    \begin{pmatrix} R_i & p_i \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}$$
    and we obtain:
    $$R_i^\prime = R_0 R_s R_0^\top R_i$$
    $$p_i^\prime = R_0 R_s R_0^\top \left( p_i - p_o \right) + p_0$$
  2. Federico Ferri reporter

    Also, functions for setting linear and angular velocity of the rigid body array would be nice to have

  3. Federico Ferri reporter

    And here are the functions for setting linear/angular velocity of the rigid body array:

    void dRigidBodyArraySetLinearVel(dBodyID *bodyArray, size_t arraySize, dBodyID center, dReal lx, dReal ly, dReal lz) {
        for(size_t i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) {
            dBodySetLinearVel(bodyArray[i], lx, ly, lz);
    void dRigidBodyArraySetAngularVel(dBodyID *bodyArray, size_t arraySize, dBodyID center, dReal ax, dReal ay, dReal az) {
        const dReal *p0 = dBodyGetPosition(center);
        dVector3 omega = {ax, ay, az};
        for(size_t i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) {
            const dReal *p = dBodyGetPosition(bodyArray[i]);
            dVector3 pdot, r;
            dOP(r, -, p, p0);
            dCalcVectorCross3(pdot, omega, r);
            dBodySetLinearVel(bodyArray[i], pdot[0], pdot[1], pdot[2]);
            dBodySetAngularVel(bodyArray[i], ax, ay, az);
    void dRigidBodyArrayAddLinearVel(dBodyID *bodyArray, size_t arraySize, dBodyID center, dReal lx, dReal ly, dReal lz) {
        for(size_t i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) {
            const dReal *v = dBodyGetLinearVel(bodyArray[i]);
            dBodySetLinearVel(bodyArray[i], v[0] + lx, v[1] + ly, v[2] + lz);
    void dRigidBodyArraySetVel(dBodyID *bodyArray, size_t arraySize, dBodyID center, dReal lx, dReal ly, dReal lz, dReal ax, dReal ay, dReal az) {
        dRigidBodyArraySetAngularVel(bodyArray, arraySize, center, ax, ay, az);
        dRigidBodyArrayAddLinearVel(bodyArray, arraySize, center, lx, ly, lz);
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